Types of Breast Implants

Breast Augmentation is referred to as “boob job” by the public has been the top 5 most popular aesthetic surgical procedure for woman. Dr Kalantarian (OC Dr K) Plastic Surgery offer this procedure and OC Dr K (Dr Kalantarian) is considered one of the top plastic surgeons for this procedure. The procedure involves breast implants to enlarge the size and enhance the shape of your breasts. It can also add volume to breasts that are affected by weight lost or pregnancy to restore fuller and rounder breasts.  Here are some benefits to Breast Augmentation:

  • Increase breast size
  • Restoring Breast fullness for woman after weight loss and pregnancy
  • Improving breast shape to contour and become proportionate to the body
  • Rejuvenating breasts by replacing old implants

At Dr Kalantarian (OC DR K) Plastic Surgery, you may choose Saline, Silicone, or Gummy Bear breast implants for your breast augmentation. Each implant comes in different sizes and shape or profile. How do you know which implant is the perfect implant for you? Well, here are some information on each implant.


Silicone Implants are filled with silicone gel. The goal of silicone implants is to imitate the feel of real breast tissue. The new generation of silicone breast implants are highly cohesive. Because of the cohesive nature of the silicone implants, If the implant leaks, the gel will still be intact and keep its shape. The gel is a thick, sticky fluid to mimic the feel of human fat. However, if there is a break in the shell of the breast silicone implant, the implant must be replaced with a new one. You need to do Ultrasound or MRI (a radiographic imaging study) every 2-3 years to determine if there is break in the shell of the breast silicone implant.  Some manufactures offer automatic warranty for 10 years for any break in the breast implant shell or if scar tissue develops around the implant which is referred to as capsular contraction.


Saline Implants are filled with sterile salt water. The implant shell is made out of silicone. The empty implant shell in inserted in the breast pocket first and then it is filled with saline using a filling tube. The filling tube is removed and the filling port is caped with a valve.  If the implants were to leak, the saline is absorbed by the body (it is similar water we have in our body) and you can easy tell because that side becomes much smaller than the other side. The goal of saline implants is to provide a uniform shape, and firmness feel.


Gummy Bear is similar to silicone implants because they are both filled with silicone gel. The difference is Gummy Bear silicone gel is thicker creating a firmer feel. If the gummy bear implants were to burst, the gel will still remain its shape.  There is no round smooth gummy bear silicone implants available. The rate of rippling is less than the other implants because of the firm nature of the implant.


There are many choices for sizes and the type of implants in breast augmentation to give patients options to customize the look they are trying to achieve. Woman who undergo breast augmentation are usually looking to increase size, shape or for woman who have asymmetrical breast. Breast Augmentation is a long-term solution to achieving a larger and more attractive looking breast. You do not want to compare yourself with anyone else because no one has the same breast width and shape/volume, shoulder width, rib cage, and height.


When you come in for a consultation with Dr Kalantarian (OC Dr K) Plastic Surgery, Dr Kalantarian (OC DR K) will go over all your options in great detail. A formal examination of your breast will be done and based on your height, shoulder width, breast measurements, hip and your desire for breast cup size, Dr Kalantarian will provide you with a recommendation.

Call us today to schedule a free consultation!

(714) 444-4495



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