Arm lift Placentia

Although losing a large amount of weight has positive effects, it also carries negative effects such as sagging skin from the arms and other areas of the body. These negative effects may keep you from enjoying your new lifestyle and shape.
How Can An Arm Lift Procedure Benefit Me?
Many men and women who have lost a significant amount of weight have accomplished and improved their health and lifestyle.
Post weight loss Los Angeles, Orange County, and Inland Empire Arm Lift patients seek a procedure that creates a pleasing and proportionate shape to the upper arm with the removal of excess skin and fat from the underarm to elbow. Orange County Dr. K (Kalantarian) Plastic Surgery, a board certified plastic surgeon, has extensive experience with Arm Lift procedures, also know as Brachioplasty, as each patient’s procedure has required different techniques for optimal results. The photo shows where the incision and scar will be on the arm. An Arm Lift procedure can help any post weight loss patient fully enjoy their new lifestyle and shape without feeling discomfort or self-conscious.
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Brachioplasty Placentia, California
What do you need to avoid before the surgery:
You need to avoid substance or medications that thins the blood fro about 10 days before and 3 weeks after the surgery (e.g. Aspirin or Ibuprofen containing substances, alcohol, fish oil, vitamin E, etc). The patient must discuss a list of medications they are taking to determine which one to avoid on the day of surgery (in general blood pressure medications can be taken on the day of surgery with a very small sip of water, MUST DISCUSS WITH THE PHYSICIAN). No food or drink after 10 O’clock the night before the surgery. Get a good night sleep and shower the day before the surgery. Do not apply any lotion or cream after the shower. Do not wear any jewelry. Wear comfortable or loose fitting clothing on the day of surgery.
What Can I Expect During and After an Arm Lift Procedure?
Dr Kalantarian prefers to perform the procedure under general anesthesia in a fully accredited outpatient surgery center with a board certified anesthesiologist. During an arm lift, incisions are made on the under and inner aspect of the upper arm area. Depending on the amount of skin that will be removed, the incision can sometimes run from the armpit all the way to the elbow. An elliptical or triangular-shaped piece of skin and tissue is removed, and fat can also be sanctioned from the area at this time.

Postoperative Recovery: After surgery, the patient’s arm is placed in a special compression garment, which will help the skin re-adhere to the tissue underneath and minimize risk of seroma (fluid collection under the skin). It takes few days for the anesthetic medications to be metabolized from by the body and excreted. Once you are off the narcotic pain medication, you feel like your normal self. It is necessary to avoid any activity that increases your heart rate or blood pressure for about 3 weeks. You must avoid any arm work for about 8-10 weeks to minis risk of hypertrophic scar or spread out scar and wound separation. The results of an arm lift are noticeable within a week after the surgery, and gradually improve for the next three to six months. Usually you can go back to your desk job about 5-7 days after your surgery (must not require any narcotic pain medication at this time).
Office visit with Dr Kalantarian after the surgery
Dr Kalantarian would like to see you the following day after your surgery then about 1-2 weeks, one month, and 3 months after your surgery. Of course, you may visit Dr Kalantarian when there is any concern or if you develop any sign of infection (fever, if the area become red, warm and there is drainage from the incision). Infection is very rare with this type of procedure.
If you would like to learn more, please schedule a free consultation by calling our office in OC at (714) 444-4495 or fill the online Consult form.